Snoozing an order

How to snooze an order so it reappears in the Ready tab a bit

Haim avatar
Written by Haim
Updated over a week ago

In the Assign screen, if you don't want to approve and proceed an order, but want to set it aside for a little bit, you can snooze or pause it for later.

Snoozing an order puts it in the Snoozed tab until the time and date specified. When that time arrives, the order will be automatically transferred back to the ready tab in the Assign screen. You can always move any snoozing order back to the ready tab in Assign screen, too.

Tip: Snoozing orders is really useful for pre-orders, out-of-stock products, or just delaying orders for any reason.

Here's how to snooze an order:

  1. Select the order(s) you want to snooze and select the "Snooze" clock icon.

2. A confirmation screen will appear. Select the time and date you want the order to return to the Ready tab.

3. That's it! The order will return to the Ready tab at the date and time you've set, or earlier if you select it from the Snooze tab and move it back yourself.


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